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UK Blog Awards 2019 – Education Winner! #UKBA19


2019 is apparently my year! Just a few weeks after the exciting and unexpected news that I have been accepted as a Google Certified Innovator, it is with shock, disbelief and delight that I announce my UK Blog Awards success. Mr Hill’s Musings won in the Education category and is now an award-winning blog. Two days later, I still can’t wrap my head around that. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who made it happen. Thank you to the judges, everyone who voted in the previous round and everyone in my PLN for always supporting and encouraging me. I will never be able to put into words how much it means to me.

Before I discuss this year’s event, I’d like to rewind back to January 1st 2018. I remember it vividly. I was on the coach heading back to Huddersfield from London after watching the NYE fireworks. That was when I received the email to inform me that I had not been shortlisted for the UK Blog Awards 2018. It was hugely disappointing and I spent the entire journey dwelling on it and overthinking it. Of all the thousands of tweets that I have shared over the years, this is one that stands out in my memory because of the heavy feeling of disappointment that I felt while typing it.

I share this story to encourage others to keep trying. 2018 wasn’t my time. But that disappointed guy on the sorry coach journey had no idea that he’d be, not just shortlisted, but accepting the award just a year later. To the disappointed finalists across all categories and to anyone else who has felt disappointment recently, keep your chin up and give it your all next time. The road is paved with mistakes, mishaps and setbacks but success is, always, just around the corner for those who work hard for it. The Education category was fiercely strong and I’d like to give a shoutout to my fellow Education finalists: Love of Literacy, Wonk Magazine, Life as a Cerebral Palsy Student, Sarah’s Medical Blog, Mrs Humanities, Charlotte Steggz and Soph Talks Science. I look forward to seeing you all in next year’s lineup because you deserve it, genuinely.

When my name appeared on screen as the winner, my jaw dropped but I didn’t allow myself to get excited until I saw the confirmation on social media. Even now, I struggle to believe it. Following the announcement, this weekend has been a whirlwind of disbelief, bewilderment and pride. I have been overwhelmed by kind and touching messages on social media (especially Twitter) and, if possible, these mean even more to me than the award itself. In my previous post about the UK Blog Awards, I stated that this blog is a product of my PLN and I totally stand by that. I’d like to dedicate this award (six words I never thought I’d say) to my PLN because it’s a result of being constantly inspired and uplifted by my colleagues, near and far. A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you.

I'd like to dedicate this award (six words I never thought I'd say) to my PLN because it's a result of being constantly inspired and uplifted by my colleagues, near and far. Click To Tweet

Last year, I wrote about my best moments in blogging. The special memories listed in that post need to step aside and make room for a new winner. This weekend will stay in my memory until the day I die, not just as a blogging memory but as a standout memory of my life. It’s not about a trophy or a badge; it’s about feeling recognised and appreciated for years of commitment and it confirms that my writing resonates with others. As I said, there’s no way for me to express my deep and heartfelt gratitude in words. I’m honoured and humbled and this means more to me than you will ever know.

Sincerely, thank you.

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