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Please vote! UK Blog Awards 2018 #UKBA18


I am absolutely thrilled to be involved in the UK Blog Awards 2018. The awards celebrate bloggers across a range of categories. I have been nominated as an Individual Influencer in the Education category. The voting has officially opened, so please help me to get to the next stage. Based on the public vote, the most popular entries from each category will be shortlisted and invited to the award ceremony in London (April 2018). I would be over the moon to get this opportunity!

Click here to vote for Mr. Hill’s Musings. It will take a matter of seconds. Thank you very, very much! Each registered voter can vote for two blogs, so please browse the other nominees and show your appreciation to another blogger while you’re there. I’m in great company!

If you’re new to my blog, I can’t expect your support without encouraging you to browse my site. It is a relatively young blog but I have kept up with it for almost two years, consistently publishing new content at least once a week. I blog about a wide range of education topics such as workload, leadership and educational technology (to name just a few). I’m sure you’ll find something that is relevant to you and your role. Use the search bar or categories menu to find posts of interest. For here, it seems appropriate to list some blog posts that highlight just how much I love blogging:

Finding time to blog (March 2017)

Are you a connected educator? (February 2017)

Merry Christmas, PLN! (December 2016)

Ten tips for new teacher bloggers (July 2016)

To be shortlisted would mean the world to me! If you appreciate my sharing and find value in this blog, please vote for me using this link. If you want to support me even further, please share this link on your social media platforms to encourage others to vote. I would absolutely love to attend the ceremony in London and meet some of my blogging idols in the field of education. Please help me to get there! Once again, thank you. I really appreciate your support.

To receive blog updates, find the ‘Follow’ icon (below or in the sidebar) or ‘Like’ my Facebook page. Your ongoing support and encouragement are very much appreciated.

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